المشاركات الشائعة


1+ . Aluminium hydroxide and magnesium hydroxide : Adrenaline ' Epinephrine " : Sympathomimetics

1.      Adrenaline ' Epinephrine " : Sympathomimetics
Trade name: Adrenaline
Class: Direct acting-adrenergic agent.
Pregnancy: (Category C)
A natural hormone produced from adrenal medulla; induce marked stimulation of alpha, β1 + β2 receptors causing cardiac stimulation, bronchodilation & decongestion.
1-                 Relief of respiratory distress due to bronchospasm.
2-                 Rapid relief of hypersensitivity reactions.
3-                 Cardiac arrest.
4-                 Open- angle glaucoma.
5-                 To prolong the action of anesthesia.
6-                 Topically to stop bleeding.
Available in ampoules of 1ml containing 1 mg adrenaline
Can be given by I.M injection. I.V. & S.C.
In CPR "A systole and PEA":
 1 in 10 000 (100 micrograms/mL) is recommended in a dose of 10 mL by intravenous injection, preferably through a central line.
If injected through a peripheral line, the drug must be flushed with at      least 20 mL sodium chloride 0.9% injection (to aid entry into the central circulation).
 In Acute anaphylaxis:
 By intramuscular injection (preferably midpoint in anterolateral thigh) (or by subcutaneous injection " not generally recommended ' )      of 1 in 1000 (1 mg/mL) solution " when there is doubt as to the adequacy of the circulation, by slow intravenous injection of 1 in 10 000 (100 micrograms/mL) solution (extreme caution),
      IV: 10 micrograms/kg  " 1 in 10 000 " as indicated: every 3-5 min"
    If endotracheal route:
             The used dose should be 3-10 times IV dose and diluted.
    IM injection
Adult 0.5 mg may be repeated several times if necessary at 5- minute intervals according to blood pressure, pulse and respiratory function
      Infusion: 2-10 mic/min titrated to response.
§         Narrow angle glaucoma.
§         Shock
§         Lactation.
§         Tachycardia
§         During labor (it may delay the 2nd 8 loge do labor).
Side effects:
§         Fatal ventricular fibrillation.
§         Cerebral hemorrhage
§          urinary retention,
§          headache,
§         necroses at injection side,
§         Blurring of vision, photophobia.
Nursing considerations:
  • Never administer 1: 100 solutions IV. Use 1: 1000 mg sol. For I.V. use.
  • Use tuberculin (1cc) syringe to measure adrenaline.
  • Administer adrenaline using piggyback set to adjust the rate of infusion.
  • Administer infusion by electronic infusion device for safety & accuracy.
  • Closely monitor patients receiving I.V. adrenaline infusion.
  • Note the client for signs of shock “loss of consciousness, clammy, cold skin, cyanosis…. etc.).
  • Briskly massage site of S.C. or I.M. injection to hasten the action of the drug.  

5.      Aluminium hydroxide and magnesium  hydroxide  :
Trade name: '' Allumag"
Class: Antacids
Pregnancy: (Category B)

Action: neutralizing or reducing gastric acidity, thus increasing the pH of the stomach and relieving hyperacidity. If the pH is increased to 4, the activity of pepsin is inhibited.
a.       Treatment of hyperacidity. (Heart- burns).
b.      Peptic ulcer
c.       Duodenal ulcer.
d.      Gastroesophaged reflux.
e.       hiatus hernia
 Dose: 10 mL 3 or 4 times daily of liquid magnesium–aluminum antacids. Antacids are best given when symptoms occur or are expected,                                    usually between meals and at bedtime, 4 or more times daily;                                       additional doses may be required up to once an hour.
  • Pregnancy
  • Children less than 6 years of age.
  • Chronic use of aluminum containing antacids may contribute to development of Alzheimer’s disease.
Side effects:
  • Constipation, intestinal obstruction, bone pain, muscle weakness.
Nursing considerations:
  • It is recommended that most antacids be taken at 3 hours after meals & at bed – time.
  • Tablets should be thoroughly chewed before swallowing & followed by a glass of milk or water.
  • Shake liquid suspensions thoroughly before pouring the medication .
  • Client’s taking aluminum or calcium containing antacids should take 2500-3000 cc of fluids to prevent constipation.
  • Advise clients to report persistent diarrhea or constipation physician.


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