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منmultipe choice questionshttp://sdc.oup.com/dcssddkdnvo4xn7txhcem3pv5_6p7f/njs.gif?dcsuri=/nojavascript&WT.js=No Oxford University Press, Online Resource Centre, Chapter 21

Oxford University Press, Online Resource Centre, Chapter 21
Chapter 21
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Question 01
Regarding the sexual reflexes and fertilization:
a) Erection is a sympathetic reflex.
b) During ejaculation the sperm are mixed with secretions from the prostate and seminal vesicles.
c) Fertilization normally occurs in the uterus.
d) Fertilization may occur three or more days after ovulation.
Question 02
Regarding the sperm and ova:
a) A normal sperm count is about 20 million.
b) Immediately after ejaculation, the sperm are capable of fertilizing an ovum.
c) The fertilized egg secretes hPL to maintain the corpus luteum.
d) Following fertilization the egg completes its second meiotic division.
Question 03
Regarding the functions of the placenta:
a) The placenta nourishes the fetus by establishing a dialysis pattern for exchange between the maternal and fetal circulations.
b) The placental barrier is very thin and freely permeable to glucose and amino acids.
c) The PO2 of the blood of the umbilical vein is the same as that in the maternal arterial blood.
d) The estrogens secreted by the placenta tend to inhibit uterine excitability during pregnancy.
Question 04
During pregnancy:
a) Plasma hCG levels peak between weeks 10 and 14 of gestation.
b) Placental progesterone secretion is highest in the first 8 weeks of gestation.
c) Blood flow to the kidneys is unchanged.
d) Maternal respiratory rate is increased.
Question 05
Regarding the control of lactation:
a) Prolactin stimulates milk ejection.
b) Placental steroid secretion inhibits lactation during pregnancy.
c) Vasopressin (ADH) is secreted in response to suckling.
d) Oxytocin secretion can be suppressed by dopamine agonists.
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Question 1

Regarding oxygen carriage by fetal blood:
Correct answer:
b) Fetal hemoglobin has a higher affinity for oxygen than adult hemoglobin.
The blood in the umbilical vein is about 80% saturated with O2. Fetal blood has a higher hemoglobin content than adult blood and fetal hemoglobin has a higher affinity for O2 than adult hemoglobin. The O2 content of blood in the umbilical vein is therefore about 160 ml/l. As the blood perfusing the brain is supplied via the ascending aorta and as the ductus arteriosus supplies deoxygenated blood to the descending aorta, the blood perfusing the brain has a higher PO2 than that of the descending aorta.

Question 2

Regarding the fetal circulation:

Correct answer:
a) The fetal heart rate is nearly double that of a healthy adult.
Because of the operation of the crista dividens, most of the blood returning in the umbilical vein passes directly to the left atrium via the foramen ovale. The fetal shunts normally close in the first few days after birth. Fetal blood pressure is normally low (c. 70/45 mm Hg).

Question 3

Regarding respiration in the fetus and newborn:

Correct answer:
d) The first breath is achieved by large changes in the intrathoracic pressure.
The central chemoreceptors are active but not the peripheral chemoreceptors which become progressively more sensitive in the weeks following birth. Although the proportion of the right ventricular output passing through the lungs greatly increases after the first breath, it is some days before closure of the ductus arteriosus results in all of the blood from the right ventricle passing through the lungs. Lack of surfactant in the neonate may cause respiratory distress.

Question 4

Regarding the function of the fetal adrenal glands and kidneys:.
Correct answer:
c) The kidneys play an important role in the regulation of acid-base balance of the fetus.
Fetal cortisol stimulates the production of pulmonary surfactant by alveolar type II cells. The fetal zone of the adrenal gland synthesizes large amounts of estrogen precursors which are converted to estrogenic hormones by the placenta. The fetal kidneys produce a hypotonic urine after about 8 weeks gestation
Page reference: 486-487

Question 5

Regarding the sexual development of the fetus:
Correct answer:
a) The sex of an individual is determined by a single gene on the Y chromosome.
The sex of an individual is determined by a single gene on the Y chromosome. In the absence of a Y chromosome the development of the gonads will follow the female pattern. The development of male sex organs depends on the presence of testosterone. In the absence of testosterone, development follows the female pattern.

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